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House System

House System

The Student Council is a body of student representatives, headed by the School Captain. It is made up of the captains of the teams and representatives from other co-curricular activities along with elected and nominated students of each class from grade VI through XI. Parliamentary procedure is used at meetings and the main purpose of this group is to assist the Principal, staff, and students in fulfilling their responsibilities. The student members help maintain order in the school during the Assembly and breaks, in between classes, and also on important occasions like the Annual Day. The Student Council is elected every year (in April) through the election in the supervision of Principal and responsible teachers. It administers the Vidyalaya at student basis and has responsibility for student discipline, decorum and other activity.
1. ASHOKA HOUSE (Blue colour)
2. SHIVAJI HOUSE(Red Colour)
3. RAMAN HOUSEGreen Colour)
4. TAGORE HOUSE(Yellow Colour)
Every Student on admission is placed in one of these house.

The student is responsible for the care of his/her personal belongings. Expensive jewels or ornaments are totally banned and the school management takes no responsibility to their loss.
Money transaction is strictly prohibited among student..
The institution takes responsibilities for the students within the school premises, but not for any incident that takes place outside.
The student is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls or throw paper or ink about the class-rooms and school premises. Penalty for the damages to building , furniture, etc.., must be paid, as decided by the principal.

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