• Parsakhera, Rampur Road, Bareilly
  • mukundinternationalschool14@gmail.com
CBSE School

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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Late coming is strictly prohibited.

1. The following actions are considered sufficient reasons for the dismissal of any student.
2. Irregular attendance of any student.
3. Indulging in any kind of malpractice in test / examinations.
4. Disrespect to teachers, school authorities and school properties.
5. Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
6. Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
7. Incase students damage any of the school properties , breakage amount will be collected.


1. A minimum attendance of 80% is required for promotion.
2. Absent without leave letter will be considered as absent only.
3. Consecutive absent for 10 days without leave letter entails removal of name from the roll.
4. If a student is absent on ground of ill health, and it exceeds 3 days, a leave letter should be sent first and a medical certificate should be submitted when the subject joins again.
5. Students affected by infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend the school till recovery.


1. Neat and perfect uniform is compulsory on all working days.
2. Prescribed dresses should be worn from Monday to Friday , for all classes from KG
3. Sportswear with sports shoe should be worn on Wednesday.
4. Shoes should be maintained neatly with laces properly tied.
5. PLASTIC or RUBBER or FANCY shoes are not allowed.
6. Nails should be periodically cleaned and trimmed.


1. Assessment is continues and promotion to next class is purely based on the academic performance of the student, throughout the year.
2. Performance in the final examination is considered to be confirmation for the results of the year’s work.
3. Due weight- age is given to regular attendance and regularity in work.


1. All students and staff are the members of the library.
2. One book only will be issued at one time and the student is allowed to retain that for a week.
3. Cost of book will be collected if book is lost.
4. Reference books cannot be taken out of the library.
5. Library books have to be maintained neatly.
6. Marking, underlining and tearing off pages are strictly prohibited.

General Rules & Guidelines to Parents/Guardians

1. Parent/Guardian must study the progress of his/her ward and watch his/her progress carefully.
2. Parent/Guardian must ensure that their ward is punctual and comes to school in neat and clean uniform.
3. A student may be expelled from the school due to irregular attendance, misbehavior, disobedience or on using unfair means in examinations.
4. Any wilful damage done to any item of the school property will be realized by the concerned parent/guardian.
5. No parent shall offer any gift or gratification to any member of the staff. Parties to any member of the staff or other function arranged in their honour require prior permission of the management.
6. School authorities are in no way responsible for the loss of any expensive item brought by the student in the campus.
7. Engaging of private tutors is not approved by the management as a policy matter. The school staff is strictly prohibited from giving private tuition to any student.
8. The parents/guardians are not allowed to see students or interview teachers during the class hours without prior permission ofthe principal.
9. Discipline and decent behavior are given due importance. Each student is expected to obey the staff and follow the rules and regulations.
10. Use of propane words insulting language or immoral behavior will be considered a serious offence that can amount to the student's expulsion from the school.
11. Unauthorized absence from the school shall be considered as a serious misconduct, and strong disciplinary action shall be taken against the defaulting students.

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